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Auto Insurance in and around Tyler

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Your Auto Insurance Search Is Over

We all have a usual routine for everyday life. We drive to book clubs, violin lessons, baseball practice, and lunch meetings. We go from one thing to the next and back again, almost automatically… until mishaps occur: things like wind storms, fender benders, fire, and more.

Looking for great auto insurance around the Tyler area?

Time to get a move on, safely.

Coverage From Here To There And Everywhere In Between

But there are lots of ways to get where you are going and move from Point A to Point B. State Farm also offers insurance for go-carts, jet skis, trail bikes, van campers, and truck campers. Whatever you drive, State Farm has you covered and stands ready to help with great savings options and attentive service. Plus, your coverage can be personalized, to include things like rideshare insurance and Emergency Roadside Service (ERS) coverage.

Auto coverage like this is what sets State Farm apart from the rest. State Farm is there whenever hazards get in the way to handle your claim promptly and reliably. State Farm has coverage options to get you wherever you are going from day to day.

Simple Insights®

Tips for first time car insurance buyers

From car insurance questions about how to get an auto discount to how much coverage do you need, we break down getting car insurance for the first time.

The real costs of a non-moving or moving violation

Critical driving errors may end up draining your bank account and your free time. States vary in how they punish those mistakes and missteps, and it's helpful to know what's at stake.

Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Jimmie Bergman

Jimmie Bergman

State Farm® Insurance Agent
Office Address:
2307 Dueling Oaks
Suite 101
Tyler, TX 75703
Map & Directions

Would you like to create a personalized auto quote?

Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Jimmie Bergman

Jimmie Bergman

State Farm® Insurance Agent
Office Address:
2307 Dueling Oaks
Suite 101
Tyler, TX 75703
Map & Directions

Simple Insights®

Tips for first time car insurance buyers

From car insurance questions about how to get an auto discount to how much coverage do you need, we break down getting car insurance for the first time.

The real costs of a non-moving or moving violation

Critical driving errors may end up draining your bank account and your free time. States vary in how they punish those mistakes and missteps, and it's helpful to know what's at stake.